From the Parish website at

We the people of Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church, are of various races, and ethnic backgrounds. We believe that through the sacraments we continue the mission of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We are challenged to spread the word of God to others and minister to their needs.

2014 -2019

We are people of Catholic faith dedicating ourselves to the life-changing power of Jesus Christ, focusing upon those who are yearning for peace, love, and compassion and strengthening their relationship with God. “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:8-10)

Our parish is committed to transformation by developing and implementing the actions outlined in our three primary building blocks: Catechesis, Communion, and Prayer & Worship. Additionally, we plan to accomplish our transformation goals through the support and actions of our Finance Committee. Through the actions of each building block committee Our Lady of Peace hopes to increase overall attendance, enhance the worship experience, and engage youth to become the next foundation of parishioners to model God’s grace and bring peace to the southeast Chicago community.


Our Catechesis committee will encourage Our Lady of Peace parishioners to deepen their relationship with God and the Catholic Faith as a whole while becoming beacons of light in the OLP Parish Community. Our Lady of Peace Catechesis committee will offer opportunities for parishioners new and old to become well-educated members of the Church as they draw others to dedicate their life to Christ. We will do this by offering a new adult Bible study, increasing attendees to Family Enrichment nights during Lent; and strengthening current ministries and starting new ones as parishioner participate in learning more about Our Lady of Peace and the Catholic faith.

Our Communion committee’s goal is to make Our Lady of Peace Church a communal, inclusive and parishioner-friendly place of worship by maintaining its vibrant, high-level of involvement as well as deepen and broaden parishioners dedication to living out the teaching of Christ. A few of the actions planned for transformation are: providing a hospitable environment where people have a sense of belonging and a desire to participate in Parish Life; to make sure our visitors leave OLP church service with a positive and lasting impression of the hospitality given as a “welcoming and communal” place to encounter Christ in a Catholic-Faith filled environment; and to help newcomers to become regular participants in a congregational life by inviting them to join ‘New Parishioner’s Membership Classes'(NPMC).

The foundation of any church’s membership is based upon its prayer and worship experience. Our Lady of Peace chose Prayer & Worship as a building block to enhance our current parishioners’ and guests’ spiritual knowledge and presence of God. The committee will also take steps to establish evening prayer and Eucharistic adoration; create new opportunities for praying the Rosary between Masses; start a Prayer Partner Ministry and/or prayer line/chain to pray for others; and host an Ecumenical prayer service including other churches/faiths.

Without finances no entity can survive. Our Lady of Peace parishioners recognize that finances are needed to implement many of our actions mentioned above. Our Finance Committee is a committed group of parishioners who will work diligently to support as many activities as possible. In an effort to do this they plan to reinstate the Planned Offering Program (POP), establish financial reports in a more consistent and concise manner, establish a monthly parish giving and income report, and a quarterly profit and loss report.

In totality we at Our Lady of Peace from the seniors who are also long-time parishioners and comprise a majority of our congregation, to our young adults, youth, and newer parishioners will strive to encourage each other to have a spiritual and religious life, which includes prayer and openness to the Word of God. We communicate with God through payer, which comes from the heart, bringing us closer to God. “The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart, the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.” (Psalm 19:8) We know the best way to understand what God requires of us is to focus steadily on the BIBLE, (a.k.a Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth).

Finally, our church is confident that we will unite our community and show our faith in Christ through our interactions as we follow God’s first commandment. “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. ” (Mark 12:30)