Where to begin? In the beginning, in the middle, or not too long ago? Let’s go with not too long ago decided to go on a sabbatical. Thought about it for some time only didn’t want to leave my Parish and Faith Community. Unexpectedly the choice was made for me. God directed me on this path to heal from hurt, grow deeper in faith and learning with great appreciation more about Catholicism. Without fail, God does not fail in surprising me. Before the start of “Path to 138”, my thought was to find a new church to join. God had different plans for me. The message, “go and seek My love in 138 places to find Me”. Each week, God reveals Himself to me in the Liturgy, Jesus feeds me in the Eucharist and The Holy Spirit can be found in the faith Community. The bonus is seeing so many beautifully built Houses of Worship. Each week, my love grows deeper with God.