Saint Liborius Church
71 W. 35th St. Steger, IL
(125) August 4, 2019. Just an hour away from home, met my niece and grandnephew for Mass. It was especially nice sitting with close family members to worship together.
Felt melancholy all week and didn’t know why. Instead of trying to pacify or ignore the uneasiness, my reflection was on “what’s the point”. And ironically, Fr. Stephen Eickhoff’s homily addressed, “why bother”. What’s the point and why bother when all that we work for is not ours to keep? What’s the point and why bother helping others when no good deed goes unpunished? What’s the point and why bother trying to stand up for humanitarianism? Jesus stood for it and was hung on a cross. The answer was delivered through the readings, Gospel and homily.
This life is a prelude of what’s to come for those who believe. A promise of no more questioning what’s the point and why bother. The point is Jesus came to save us. And for our sake, Jesus wasn’t bothered to sacrifice His life for ours. Once again sitting in a new pew, my spirit was ignited with faithfulness at “St. Liborius”.
St. Liborius Church ~ 71 W. 35th St. Steger, IL #archdioceseofjoliet