The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception

Address: 607 NE Madison Ave, Peoria, IL 61603

(86) November 4, 2018. One of my new favorite YouTube go to inspiring speaker is Bishop Fulton Sheen. And today’s Mass celebration was at The Cathedral of St. Mary in Peoria, IL. Bishop Sheen’s childhood Parish. The beauty of this Church is jaw dropping. My friend, Fr. Tom accompanied me and too loved this House of Worship and warmth of a most caring faith community.

The readings and homily from Fr. Jim Pankiewicz were most insightful to being prayerful for others. Especially for those who have died. The soul lives on and needs to be remembered. For one day, we too will die and hope to be prayed for. Even the most memorable Saints who we admire had help in their lives through prayer. Prayer is the most intimate act of love for The One who fills the heart with Joy. That cannot be duplicated by persons, places or things.

And one of the most sacred places to share this love for The Holy Trinity was here. Each week my path keeps getting better and better. Each week has been a learning experience in Catholicism. Each week my faith grows and my needs simplify. As long as prayer is the center of my life.

Click here to visit the Cathedral website.