Saint Pancratius Roman Catholic Church
Address: 4025 S Sacramento Ave, Chicago, IL 60632
Phone: (773) 523-5666
(88) November 18, 2018. Reluctant but obedient to God, made my way to Brighten Park in Chicago. To a Church named St. Pancratius. As always, God surprised me with beautiful people in a beautiful place to worship Him.
I met just a few people, an usher who has been a parishioner for 82 years. A lector, who proclaimed the readings with passion. A cantor, who lead us a cappella pitch perfect. And a Priest, named Fr. Felipe Vaglienty. Who challenged us to live like today is our last day of life. To make amends with people who need our forgiveness and to ask for forgiveness as well. To listen to God’s promptings each day. Because each day like today, God knows where we need to be. My need was to be here with this prayerful and reverent congregation to God.