St. Cornelius

5205 N. Lieb Ave., Chicago

January 18, 2020. There is a wave of 27 Churches to close in the Chicago Archdiocese. It is my hope to attend Mass and capture pictures before these Churches are no more.
It was a typical snowy and cold evening here in Chicago, and St. Cornelius seemed to be almost as cold inside. The beauty took my mind off of me and it was all about capturing where people worshiped for so many years.
Fr. Daniel apologized for the coldness, the boiler had just been repaired, but being a very large Church it wasn’t going to warm up in time for this worship.
Then a thought occurred to me, JUST BEING NEAR TO MY LORD matters more than any possible inconveniences. Experiencing the spirit of St. Cornelius is in my history now just like it will be for Her parishioners.

St. Cornelius
5205 N. Lieb Ave., Chicago