January 26, 2020. The past couple of weeks, a question keeps me wondering when the answer will come. If there are so many Catholics, why are so many of our treasured Churches closing? With so many passionate rescue groups doing good to save people from human trafficking, animals from cruelty, the world from toxic harm, then why not are houses of worship being cared for by those of us who believe and love God?
Jesus began a mission to save our souls and instructed His disciples to build houses for worship and community. And over millenniums Churches were built to honor and glorify our Creator. And now to witness these Churches that have fed and served countless souls close their doors, breaks my heart. If only those who have left the Church return for God.

St. Thecla will soon be another closed Catholic Church. Memories made by so many and possibly to be forgotten in years to come. Gratefully as long as my memory serves me, this Church fed me spirituality for my ongoing love for The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit that dwells here in this Place and in my heart. Amen