Saint Gall

5511 S. Sawyer Ave
Chicago, IL

Saint Gall

December 5, 2021. Opening the door and entering St. Gall had a profound impression on what was to come as Mass began. As a pilgrim, one never knows what to expect, except to be prayerful and ready to receive The Word of God.

After the lectors read the first and second Readings, Fr. Jeremiah Lynch, S.J. stood at the ambo proclaimed The Gospel, then sat on a chair to deliver his homily. Fr. Jeremiah said, “Advent can be described in one word, wait”! Life is about waiting and the best part of life is waiting for justice, peace and where our spiritual journey will lead us home. So we wait for true justice, true peace and Emmanuel.

The mystical beauty of this Church and all before Her are my pilgrimage places to wait, pray and receive moments of peace until lasting peace begins in my journey’s end Home.