From the Parish website at http://www.saintita.org/home
On October 23, 1923, His Eminence George Cardinal Mundelein commissioned Architect Henry J. Schlacks to design and build a new church specifically in French Gothic design for St. Ita Parish. St. Ita’s became Schlack’s last full-scale masterpiece, the climax of building 12 great churches in the Chicago area.
Dates in Parish History
06/25/1900 Father Crowe is appointed to establish a new congregation in Edgewater. St. Ita Parish is founded.
07/01/1900 Father Crowe celebrates the First Mass for the parish of St. Ita in the old Guild Hall.
12/25/1900 The first Mass is celebrated in the frame building of St. Ita Church.
06/09/1901 The frame Church is dedicated by Archbishop Feehan.
09/12/1901 Father Crowe moves into the frame rectory which had been built at 1220 W. Catalpa.
09/06/1904 St. Ita School opens in the basement of the Church.
04/02/1906 Ground at 5519 N. Magnolia is broken for a new school.
01/01/1909 The Sisters of Mercy, who staff the school, move into new convent next to the school building.
09/1909 All three stories of the brick school building are completed.
04/07/1924 Ground is broken for the Church of St. Ita. Architect Henry J. Schlacks’s French Gothic masterpiece.
09/14/1924 The cornerstone for the new Church is laid after the old frame Church is razed.
04/17/1927 The first Mass is celebrated in the present Church.
10/09/1927 St. Ita Church is dedicated by George Cardinal Mundelein.
09/02/1930 Monsignor C.J. Quille is named pastor of St. Ita Parish.
05/02/1942 Father Gerard C. Picard is named pastor of St. Ita.
11/18/1951 Samuel Cardinal Stritch presides at the Golden Jubilee of the construction of the first Church of St. Ita Parish.
05/1968 Father Raymond J. Morrison is named pastor of St. Ita Parish.
09/21/1969 The 50th Anniversary of Monsignor Picard’s Ordination is celebrated in the new Jubilee Hall.
10/12/1975 A Mass of Thanksgiving is celebrated to mark the 75th Anniversary of St. Ita Parish.
02/11/1976 Father Richard J. Feller is appointed pastor of St. Ita Parish.
09/01/1988 Father Laurence F. Maddock is appointed pastor of St. Ita Parish.
10/13/1990 St. Ita Parish celebrates its 90th Anniversary.
01/15/2000 The Centennial Year for St. Ita Parish begins with the celebration of the Feast of Saint Ita.
11/19/2000 Francis Cardinal George presides at the Centennial Mass. The new altar is dedicated and the Church is rededicated.
06/2001 Father Steven W. Patte is appointed pastor of St. Ita Parish.
02/2006 Father David P. Pavlik is appointed pastor of St. Ita Parish.
07/2012 Father JoAndre B. Beltran is appointed Pastor of St. Ita Parish.
07/2016 Father Bob Cook, OFM Conv., is appointed Pastor of Saint Ita Parish.