Saint Mary of the Lake
Address: 4200 N Sheridan Rd, Chicago, IL 60613
Phone: (773) 472-3711

(93) December 23, 2018. While sitting in the front row pew admiring the almost complete Nativity set, my mind wandered to that Holy Night. The only figure missing is Baby Jesus. Over 2000 thousand years ago there was no room at the Inn for Him.
And today at “St. Mary of the Lake”, while sitting in a pew my mind was cleared of all clutter. To make room Inne my thoughts and heart for Jesus to abide in me.
In this magnificent parish all the Advent candles are lit except for the center white one. Which will burn bright on The Holy Night when Baby Jesus completes The Nativity Sets in our Churches.
To experience “St. Mary of the Lake” and see Her 2 complete Alter Nativities, the Parish location is 4200 N. Sheridan Rd, Chicago.
Click here to see the parish website.