San Agustin Cathedral

Address: 201 San Agustin Ave, Laredo, TX 78040
Opened: December 12, 1872
Phone: (956) 722-1382

(138) November 3, 2019. What better place for the end of this path than to go where my parents married. Their story began as husband and wife in the Diocese of Laredo, Texas.

Although “San Agustin Catedral” is closed for renovation, we celebrated Mass next door in the gym. It may not of been where my parents walked the isle, but it is the parish where they made a holy sacrament. And that was enough for my sister and me to feel sentimentally at home as we worshiped and gave God thanks.

It must be human nature to question why we exist. What are we striving for and what is true happiness. As babies our most basic need is to be held and loved. Nurtured as we were in the womb. To grow in love and share our love with others. That is the gift God gave us and somehow life events tried to rob me of that truth, happiness and love.

Most of my past life was spent being envious of people who had far less than me, but were consistently happy. No matter what events that were going on in their lives. They weathered it all and came out of it happy again. Come to find out, they believe in Jesus and have an ongoing relationship with Him. These happy people go to His house every weekend to receive a gift. Exactly what my well-being lacked.

Until there was no other One to turn to when there was little left of me that wanted to live. Long story short, finding that no matter where God leads me, my home is with Him. And in His house my soul finds refuge from what life tries to rob from me. The most basic need for me is met in my Father’s house. To be held and loved as when my being was in my Mother’s womb. Nurtured by Jesus with His Body and Blood, forgiven by His never ending love and promised a much happier ever after when my story ends in this life.

It has been the most incredible experience being on this path. And all thanks to God for showing me The Way!

San Agustin Cathedral
201 San Agustin Avenue
Laredo, Texas 78040