St. Agatha

3147 W. Douglas Blvd, Chicago

January 12, 2020. My research and expectation was off kilter when my GPS said my destination was on the right. Guess my timing to see an old “St. Agatha” is 38 plus years too late. Instead the old Church was demolished and a modern one was built.
Although the old gothic, renaissance, baroque, Byzantine and Romanesque architectures make my heart skip a beat, none of them are as important as just being with a faith community. Even before entering the Church, my new friends met me on the sidewalk and welcomed me home.
Before Mass began, we offered peace to one another with handshakes and mostly hugs. Fr. Larry then began his homily by asking us to close our eyes. Guiding us in a meditation that we are God’s Beloved. All of us are equally special to God. No matter how much we fail to do right, we are loved the same.
It was hard saying goodbye to my new faith community family. Because there was unconditional love amongst us all!

St. Agatha
3147 W. Douglas Blvd, Chicago