St. Florian

13145 S. Houston Ave.
Chicago, IL

Saint Florian Chicago

October 24, 2021. Although today’s Gospel reading wasn’t about the one lost sheep that the Shepherd went looking for, it felt as if Jesus (and GPS) led me to “St. Florian” where The Flock welcomed me to worship with them.

Before Mass was to begin my first encounter with Fr. David Simonetti was that of a good Father who walked up and down the isles asking his flock, “How are my kids doing today?”. The care and compassion continued in his homily and throughout The Mass.

After Mass, Fr. David told us a story about The Chalice and Paten he was gifted and uses at all the Mases he presides over. At the death of a dear Priest friend, Fr. David inherited his friend’s chalice and paten. As a child, the priest friend of Fr. David was gifted a miracle of regaining sight after an accident that left him blind for some time. Today’s Gospel reading was about a blind man who asked Jesus for the miracle to see and Jesus gifted him sight and so every time Fr.

David raises the chalice and paten for consecration, his flock is gifted the sight of Jesus’ love.

It was good to be here today to see, hear and experience The Good Shepherd who leads, feeds and gives the miracle of sight to those blinded in darkness.