Saint Mary Star of the Sea
Address: 6435 S Kilbourn Ave, Chicago, IL 60629
Phone: (773) 767-1246
(92) December 16, 2018. Woke up today eager to experience Mass at “St. Mary Star of the Sea”. This past week my meditation was on Mary’s willingness to trust God. And so this third week of Advent my hope was to be still and sense God’s will for me.
With each new week the gift of Christ’s love is a treasure that grows through the people who welcome me to their Churches. And today Christmas came early with the kindness from Fr. Roger Corrales~Diaz and so many beautiful souls that were happy to share their time with me.
In Fr. Roger’s homily, he told us about a poor man asking him for money. Only having one bill in his wallet, Father gave the beggar twenty dollars. The poor man asked not just once, but three times, Why? Because Father was lost for words. The man then answered his own question. “Because of God”.
And so are all selfless gifts, because of God. Gifts that can’t be bought, like The One, Mary gave birth to for all mankind.