St. Louise de Marillac Catholic Church
Address: 1125 Harrison Ave, La Grange Park, IL 60526
Phone: (708) 352-7388
(124) July 28, 2019. The most satisfying comfort food can be found at “St. Louise De Marillac”. Craving The Word and in need to be fed The Body and Blood, my soul once again has been filled with life giving nourishment.
It was an privilege to hear Fr. Mike Ahistrom preach. With fervor and passion, Fr. Mike spoke about how and why prayer is important daily. Prayer is not about changing God’s mind for our behalf. Prayer is about changing our minds for our behalf. For those we love we stay in communication and share our lives with them. In prayer is how we stay in communication with God for our sake and for those we pray for too. In prayer even Jesus found His strength to accept The Cross. And in prayer we’re given that same strength to accept ours crosses too.
St. Louis de Marillac ~ 1144 Harrison
LaGrange Pk, IL