Saint Philip Neri Catholic Church

Address: 2132 E 72nd St, Chicago, IL 60649
Phone: (773) 363-1700

(128) August 25,2019. After GPS announced my destination arrival, my heart stopped. With opened doors to God’s house my heart began to beat again, only to melt once inside. Welcomed immediately by all who saw me, my heart was exploding with so much love.

Built in 1927, “Saint Philip Neri” contains priceless works of art that can never be duplicated again. Decorated with imported wood carvings from Germany, stain glass windows from Ireland, marble carvings,statues, and mosaic tiles from Italy and so much more. It would take days to really see and learn about her magnificent architecture and history. And even then there’d be more to experience here in this parish.

After a powerful homily from Fr. Thomas G. Belanger, we were all filled with a fire of love to share with others. The message, it takes work and dedication to honor God. And those who built this Church exemplified just that. A fire of love for God that built this place for generations to come and worship our Creator.

Parish Website:

Saint Philip Neri Church
2132 E. 72nd St. ~ Chicago