St. Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church
Address: 40000 US-45, Old Mill Creek, IL 60046
Phone: (847) 395-3474
(68) July 1, 2018. While reading a book loaned to me (The Archdiocese of Chicago, A Journey of Faith), my interest heightened looking at a picture of “St.John of God” Catholic Church and thought to myself, this will be my next place to worship. Only after reading further, my heart was broken. The last Mass celebrated there was August 10, 2011. Many other hearts were broken too that once belonged to the parish. Rich in history, but financially exhausted. The faith community dramatically dwindled in numbers. Mournfully the decision had to be made and the doors were locked.
It’s true that when one door closes, another door will open. Today, walked through the unlocked doors of St. Raphael the Archangel, AKA The Recycled Church. St. John of God was carefully taken apart to give birth to St. Raphael. The old stones and religious relics have been renewed in this beautiful house of worship. Similar to a verse in the Bible, one must die to be reborn anew. What was ~ is now again, a Holy place to come and spend time in adoration.